All about Larry
Larry woke up to his wife pouring a cup of his dad's wonderful company's coffee in a red and black mug. Larry said to his wife"thank you, just put it on the nightstand." When he said this he looked at the nightstand and saw his clock it read 9:12. He jumped out of bed, almost knocking his wife flying, ran to the bathroom jumped in the shower had the quickest shower of his life. Ran back to his room threw on the suit his wife put out for him. Grabbed his coffee ran toward the stairs tripped sending his coffee flying threw the air spilling on the floor and walls. His wife heard the bang and came running to see what had happened.
It was the beginning of a very bad day considering that his wrist hurt and his wife insisted that she took him to the hospital to get checked. The whole half hour trip his wrist throbbed and was getting worse. She had given him a bag of ice to put on his wrist. He told his wife " I think it's just a bad sprain and I can get a brace for it at a pharmacy." She looked at him and he saw that she was very serious about going to the doctor. For the last 5 minutes of the car ride they sat quietly. When they got to the hospital he went to get out of the car and he didn't raise his foot high enough and fell out of the car and landed on his hands and knees. He screamed with the pain that came to his wrist. His wife ran over to where he was laying on the ground she asked "are you ok Larry?" He slowly got back up and saw his hands and knees were full of blood. They walked to the front doors.
As soon as they got in there was a nurse walking by and Larry asked for some help. The nurse asked what was wrong. Larry's wife replied "this morning he slept in and he had a super quick shower, threw on his suit grabbed his coffee and tripped on his way out of our room his coffee went flying and he hurt his wrist when he fell! Then when we got here he fell out of the car and landed on his hands and knees. Hurting his wrist again, but anyways that is why he's all bloody." The nurse replied with " wow that is a crazy morning considering it's only 10:05." She continued with "let's get you to a room where I can patch up your cuts and get the doctor to come look at your wrist."
She began with his hands, she got out some band aids and polysporin. She put that away and got out some tape and gauze for his knees. She had to get out the polysporin again. She wiped away the blood and dirt from the cut. Then put the polysporin on some gauze and taped that to his knees. Though it wasn't a bad cut he complained that it stung. A couple minutes past then the doctor entered the room with a smile. He said "sounds like you're having a rough morning" Larry replied with "it's been a bad morning"